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Engagement Plan - Strategy


June 5


Pitch NFB co production Investigate

Pitch Musicians for stand alone 1 hr. documentaries

Pitch TVO, VISION, CBC for broadcast license with Cancon.

Get International co-pro producer onboard

Pitch NFB with Hasheel as support material

Add additional link to "Beat Deep" for support materials

Begin preliminary research filming with 6 musicians (pitch 30)

Start pitching 'master' musician.  expand list

Consult entertainment lawyer re: production paper trail (releases, copyrights, contracts)






Jan 6

-After meeting w/A&U, 


-Continue Workshop w/ Canon Mark3 (for Greg)

-Write up phase I and phase II contract/expectation/budget and email A&U

-Invoice SWM for Phase I

-Continue to develop Workflow Charts on HUB

-send Reza complete Additional equipment list & connect w/ SWM Calendar)

-prep Story Farm GoPro equipment for Friday Shoot

-connect/call Mark for Friday's Shoot to discuss preliminary shooting script/Interview/

-Email/call Tiawa about Friday shoot 10am arrival

-Shoot Friday Show

-Media to Eduard for Multicam synchronization

-Transport drive to Greg 

-Start building Premiere project w/ workflow templates

-Call Alicja Stasiuk re: Graphic elements 

-Present Rough Cut to SWM





Jan 1


- Meet and continue project dev with Umair and Alan


- Borrow Canon Mk5 to bring to set and train others (with Safe Distancing)


-Discuss Post-production workflow and Media management acquisitions)


-Meet with Reza to share contacts, strategize media organization and plan for Jan 11th shoot




















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